Messiah Lutheran Church (ELCA)
8590 Enterprise Drive South
Mountain Iron, MN 55768
Worship Schedule
Sunday Worship – 10:00 a.m.
Worship at Messiah
We are not an audience in worship: we are a gathered community around the message of the Gospel and the weekly meal of Holy Communion. Worship at Messiah is both liturgical and informal. It is full of reverence yet has room for laughter. We take it seriously, but we make mistakes. We love music, but most of us are not trained musicians.
Communion at Messiah
The mystery of Holy Communion is that the Christ who was present with the disciples at the Last Supper is present with us today. If you are a baptized Christian desiring forgiveness and the strengthening of faith, you are welcome to come to the Lord’s Table believing the Christ is truly present in the bread and wine. For those who do not wish to have the wine, white grape juice is available in the communion trays. Simply point to the grape juice when the communion assistant come to you, and they will serve it to you. At the parents’ discretion, young children may receive the bread of Holy Communion or a blessing.
Celebrating the Seasons
The church year is marked by a cycle of seasons and festival Sundays: Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Holy Week, Easter, Pentecost, Ordinary Time, and the Season of Creation. They help us focus on different aspects of the life into which God in Christ through the Spirit keeps drawing us. At Messiah we have both solemn and joyful traditions for celebrating the seasons and the festival days.
Children in Worship

Worship is the birthright of every child of God of every age. Children should be full participants in worship, using all their senses to open up to God’s presence. In addition to a weekly children’s time in worship and a children’s bulletin, we invite young children at their parents’ discretion to receive the bread at Holy Communion or to cross the arms over their chest to receive a blessing. Children can serve as ushers, greeters, readers, and acolytes.